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10 years ago · by ·

Summer Car Maintenance Tips

Two attractive young women in a convertible carSummer is officially in full-swing: temperatures are soaring, and the cottage season is finally here. These hot temperatures and extra kilometres can take a big toll on your vehicle, so it’s important to prepare. Here are some important steps to take to ensure your vehicle keeps on rollin’ through the steamy summer months.

Change your tires

The first and probably most obvious step in “summerizing” your car is removing your snow tires and installing lighter summer tires that will improve fuel economy. Furthermore, winter tires aren’t meant to operate above seven degrees Celsius (as they have a lower boiling point), so they will actually wear down a lot faster than summer or all-season tires.

Inspect the brakes

Brakes are arguably one of the most important features on your car. It’s not such a big deal if your car can’t accelerate, but if it can’t break, that’s a different story.

If you feel any wobbling or pulsating when you apply your brakes, or if you hear any odd noises, be sure to have your brakes inspected. Even better, have the mechanic inspect them while they have your wheels off for changing.

Change the oil

The beginning of summer is a great time to change your oil as well, as your car will likely already be in the shop for tires.

Oil is the lifeblood of your engine, and the hot summer days can take a toll on your engine; fresh oil will make it easier on your already-overworked machine. Most manufacturers recommend changing oil once every 5,000 kilometres or every few months, whichever comes first.

Change the air filter

Summer means smog, and no one wants to breathe in smog, not even your engine!

A fresh air filter will ensure your vehicle is running on the cleanest air possible, and a new cabin air filter will make sure you are too! Ask your mechanic to pop it out and replace it at the shop.

Change your wipers

Windshield wipers don’t last nearly as long as you’d expect, and having a clear view during those summer downpours is crucial. Change your wipers often and you won’t have to worry about getting caught in those unexpected downpours.

Recharge your air conditioning

While not vital to the operation of your vehicle, if you feel like your air con isn’t as cool as it used to be, you might need to recharge your air conditioning. This involves refilling the refrigerant in your system if it’s leaky or even replacing or fixing it if needed.

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