Snow Machine Collision 2 Dead North of Sault Ste Marie

Snow Machine Collision Sudbury Ontario
Sadly each year people go out to enjoy themselves and too many get injured or killed. The reasons for the injuries and deaths vary but in almost every fatality human error somehow comes into play.
I listened to two people argue on Saturday as to whether or not snow machine trails should be open after a thaw and fast freeze. It’s too icy said one the OFSC should close the trails when icy! The other disagreed and said that people must drive to the conditions and even if the clubs had barricaded the trails, many people would just drive around or over the barricades get hurt or worse and there would be less chance of discovering them when the trail is shut down. Things got louder and I found a reason to leave before I too became involved.
I am a past volunteer for the Ontario Federation of Snowmobilers. I used to snowmobile every winter and it seemed like a good idea to help the other volunteers in the area and take a more active role. At first I just brushed trails, positioned signs and fixed bridges and was quite content to do just that. Gradually I ended up with a few other duties including attending the occasional meeting for the district as a club representitive.
Membership dropped and the work increased. The effects of Global Warming took their toll and some winters the trails were barley open. Trial permit prices increased as less people rode the trails and the maintenance and grooming still had to be carried out for those who still rode. My wife (who was at the time a Master Instructor) had health issues last year and it became time for us to find a new hobby.
The reason I preface this Blog with the little personal story is that after you have seen both sides of a changing situation it is often easier to see what is actually going on.
On the one hand you have the snow machine owner who has in many cases paid a great deal of money for a sled that can only be used a few months each year and who also purchases a permit that does not guarantee that he or she will enjoy a successful season on the trails. Insurance is mandatory when you leave your own property so there is that to consider also.
On the other hand you have the OFSC Volunteers and Full time support in Barrie that try to make sure the trails are kept in safe operating condition with proper signage, and Trail Groomers that are fueled , reliable and ready to create the trails for the rider who in most cases feels they paid too much for the Trail Permit.
In a perfect world for the snow mobile club, the trails are brushed, signed and packed prior to be groomed and opened.
In a perfect world for the rider the trails are ready and open when they want to ride. Are you starting to see a problem?
Weather has to cooperate also, the past few years have been unusually good for snowmobiling from a weather perspective. El Nino and Global Warming had thrown a wrench into things this year and others which makes the perfect recipe for conflict between the trail builders and the trail users.
The users who buy the snowmobile, trail permits and insurance see an investment they can’t use in mild snowless winters.
The OFSC sees danger to the user if the trail is not prepared correctly and will often to protect in mild spells close the trails till more snow falls or temperatures drop.
The user will often in spite of the signs and barricades, signs, web posting and announcements use the trail damaging it severely (often times the persons caught doing so don’t even have permits but it still has to be repaired). Sadly one of the duties I did as a volunteer was replace signs after others thought the signs looked better in their recreation room or garage.
In a bad weather year people don’t get into a rhythm to ride properly or try to get in as much riding as they can becasue of the good day in a bad season. Often they become tired and this leads to a lack of awareness or judgment of just what they are driving and driving on. Just like you try to drive to road condition in a car you must also do so in a snow mobile. I personally studded my track and used the appropriate carbides to control my machine. Many people did not like the studs and more aggressive carbides but I had ridden a great deal on ice and it was a much safer start, drive and more importantly STOP.
Regardless of what you do to your Sled you also have to be aware of the “other guy” stay to the right as much as possible going up hill, head the signs as they will let you know what is coming. Alcohol is best consumed when you are not going to ride and extreme speed is something we can all live without but if you must become a sanctioned racer and leave it all on the track.
What is the answer I’m not sure, but I think if everyone to rethink what is happening. For a great number of reasons I believe the day of the volunteer on the trail is coming to an end. I believe that it is time for the Province to step in and create a sustainable safe shared environment for not just the snow machine but the ATV and other out door enthusiasts.
People being people will not conform properly otherwise and odds are there will be more unnecessary tragedies in the headlines every winter without proper legislation, management and compliance.
Have a Safe Winter.