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10 years ago · by ·

Smart Phone Apps Measure Driving Habits

Well next week on Tuesday Sept the 8th the School children will be walking, biking and riding their way back to school.  I am sure most of us will be keeping an eye out for the increased activity.

Tragically  last school year School Buses were in over 20  collisions the majority of which were vehicles that ran into the rear end of the big yellow machines.  In spite of the yellow paint job, flashing lights, strobes  and reflective tape the buses were run into from behind.  As a result children were scared and  injured or worse as well as a few of the bus drivers also.  I personally think the school buses are rather visible under most conditions and short of a tail gunner I don’t know what else can be done to stop the rear ending other than not being a distracted driver.

As a responsible vehicle operator the road and what is on it demand your full attention.  Being distracted by cell phones whether by text or call is no excuse and the penalties for being caught on the way up along with 3 demerit points.   Yes even a minor offence can affect your insurance rates contrary to the coffee shop school of insurance.

Other recent changes to be aware of there is a fine and demerit points for “Dooring” a bicycle so use those mirrors, also with regards to Bicycles you must have a minimum of a metre gap between your car and the bicycle or fine and demerit points.  No more crowding the Tow Trucks either it seems the drivers are tired of being run over while doing their job and yes crowding tem will lead to a fine and demerit points also.

Smart Phone App Driving

Car insurance companies use smart phone apps to measure driving habits.

One of the car insurance companies we represent is coming out with an application for your smart phone to measure your driving habits so good drivers may obtain extra discounts.   Unlike current telematics  devices that are attached to and monitor your car this application measures your phone call’s duration, distance driven where and when.  If your phone conversations  go over 20 minutes continually you are penalized (monitors your blue tooth operation).  I’m not sure what takes 20 minutes or more to say but perhaps there are some things I am currently unaware of.  To further refine the research the monitoring can be fine tuned for each driver that has a cell phone not just Mom and Dad.  Just like the current applications the policy holders will be e-mailed weekly to advise them of any risky activity (Occasional drivers beware).


Have a safe September.

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Sudbury Insurance Brokers

860 LaSalle Blvd.
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