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Recreational Insurance

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10 years ago · by ·

Worried about large vet bills? Consider insuring your pet

A happy German Shepherd Mix breed dog is hanging is tounge out of his mouth with his ears blowing in the wind as he sticks his head out a moving and drving car window.

Sudbury Insurance Brokers is proud to have a company to underwrite your pets’ health (dogs & cats only). The plans cover your best friend’s medical needs in much the same fashion as your medical insurance looks after you. Rates are based individually with things such as breed, age and extent of coverage taken into account.

By using a plan like this, you can alleviate financial stress on you and unnecessary suffering for your pet.

At Sudbury Insurance Brokers, we also have other options for your pets: auto accident benefits are available. Normally, if you and your buddies are out for a ride and you are in an auto accident, your auto insurance will respond to you and your injuries but not your pets’. This again can cause undue financial strain and suffering for your pet—perhaps even an unfortunate painful decision to “put down” your friend because the funds are not available to take care of expensive treatment and surgery (and this too costs money).

If you are considering any type of feeding or safety device for your pet reviewing tests by The Centre for Pet Safety should be a must. Not all pet safety devices are equal (far from it). The centre evolved into what it is today because a woman purchased a restraint device for her puppy and on the first emergency stop the pup was seriously injured. She tried to hold the manufacturer responsible there was no clear standard so she and a host of others got together and it has evolved into quite an organization. Remember—approved does not mean costs more—it just means it works! Look up The Centre for Pet Safety’s research and purchase your pet’s safety devices like their lives depend on it.

Company informations

Sudbury Insurance Brokers

860 LaSalle Blvd.
2nd Floor Sudbury, Ontario P3A 1X5

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[email protected]


Available Working Hours:
Monday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm

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