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10 years ago · by ·

IndyCar Racer Justin Wilson Accident Pocono Raceway

In case you somehow missed it, the  IndyCar racer Justin Wilson  succumbed to injuries sustained in an accident in a race at Pocono Raceway.  The English born driver passed away with his wife at his side Monday night.  As you can imagine he will be missed not only by his family but by the racing community as a whole as he was a special giving person.

In fact Justin’s  organ donation  meant six people will live because Justin was an Organ Donor.


Justin Wilson dies from head injuries in an accident at Pocono Raceway.

Both my wife and I are Organ Donors and our children are well aware of our wishes.  Are you an Organ Donor?  It costs nothing and the worst that will happen is you do someone some good long after you are gone (and for the record either way you will be gone).  According to  it is possible for the harvesting of organs from one person to save up to eight people!  As long as you are 16 years old, able to provide proof of your birth date, and have a heath card number and version code (if applicable) you can become an organ donor.

For residents of Ontario you can go to the ServiceOntario website or office and sign up or reaffirm your decision to be a Donor by updating your profile.  Click “Update your registration” .

Perhaps some would say it is sad the I have to use someone famous to encourage people to do the right thing but so be it Rest In Peace Justin Wilson I hope your highly publicized act of giving motivates more people to do the same thing.

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