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10 years ago · by ·

Eight things to check in your home before the end of summer

Man Clearing Leaves From Guttering Of HouseRain this week is a welcome change, as the forest and fields are quite dry and homeowners are spending more time watering their lawns and gardens than almost any other task.

This rain, at least, is a gentle look into the future of the weeks of precipitation this fall as rain turns into—dare I say the “S” word?

The reminder is for home and building owners to check their home, garage and cottage for water tight integrity

  • If it’s in good shape—how are the gutters and downspouts? Do they need cleaning, are they in a good state of repair, and are the drains flowing AWAY from your home?
  • Do you remember any excessive build-up in the valleys of your roof last winter, perhaps a heating cable for your eves, eve troughs, gutters or downspouts?  Maybe a new vent or a replacement is needed?   Is a heating cable the answer if you think that could help and you are a “do-it your-selfer” or just trying to look for options consulting web sites like This Old House could help.
  • If you have a wood burning appliance, there’s no time like the present to check that the rain cap (yes, it is required) is in good shape—have you cleaned the pipes and examined the entire system for leaks, and signs of excessive heat or scorching?  I recommend a WETT Certified Chimney Sweep for the task.

How is your basement?

  • Any seepage or leaks the basements walls, or water coming in around windows or around porches?
  • Is the sump pump working correctly?
  • Do the weeping tiles need to be flushed or cleaned?
  • Has the Hot Water Tank had the elements shut off drained of water and sediment any leaks?
  • Has the furnace been given a clean bill of health? Perhaps the central air is clogging the filter with pollen?  Did the recent landscaping job bring the lawn level with the basement windows perhaps a window well tied into the weeping tile needed?

Is water pooling where it shouldn’t in your yard (other than the pool)? Perhaps some loose siding requires attention. If you have been waiting for summer to make repairs or alterations it’s here, and there is no time like now.

Yes you have insurance but there are deductibles to consider as well as exclusions for coverage in specific cases, for a variety of reasons (check your wordings of call your broker or agent if you don’t understand—I’m sure they will be happy to explain).  There is also the loss of a “Claims-Free Discount resulting in higher premiums in the future to consider even if the loss is a small one.

We here at Sudbury Insurance Brokers are fortunate enough to have access to the first personal lines insurer in Canada—Aviva—to offer overland water coverage.  Give us a call so we can tell you if you qualify for coverage and how much.

If that answer to any or all of the above is yes, now is the time to look after the problem—some summer is left and I doubt it will get any warmer.  Remember a synonym for summer is construction season!  Happy renovations and repairs from us here at Sudbury Insurance Brokers!

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