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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Sudbury Drivers Driving Habits – Ontario Worst Driver 2019

In terms of driving records in Ontario, Sudbury may not be the worst city, but it’s also not close to the best. It ranked No. 13 in a study by an online company, Insurance Hotline that helps drivers compare rates.

When ranking bad driving cities, Insurance Hotline did an analysis of car insurance quotes from 2018 and 2019 to determine the highest averages on a driver’s record in three categories: tickets, at-fault collisions, or both.

In the collision category, Sudbury drivers fared well by ranking 45th on the list. However, the city ranked No. 6 in the ticket category, with 11 per cent of drivers admitting to having a minimum of one ticket on their record.

Overall, Sudbury ranks 13th on the list of worst cities for drivers with a grade of C; even Angelina Marcantognini, a 26-year-old woman from this city has been crowned Canada’s Worst Driver. Marcantognini was one of eight drivers sent to a Driver Rehabilitation Centre to improve her driving skills.

The city and the police are doing as much as they can to reduce car crashes and improve road safety.

Recent statistics from Greater Sudbury Police reveal that there were 909 collisions between October 1 and December 31, 2017. Another 300 crashes were reported to the police in January 2018.

One of the biggest concerns is the seeming lack of attention paid by both drivers and pedestrians.

“A lot of the times the driver is trying to watch other vehicles around them, dealing with weather, etc., and [pedestrians] will just step out … those on foot to make sure drivers see them before crossing an intersection. ” Sergeant Tim Burtt says.

It’s not fair to blame on the Sudbury drivers for the high auto insurance rate in Sudbury, weather condition & irresponsible pedestrian are also causing for crashes in Greater Sudbury.


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Sudbury Insurance Brokers

860 LaSalle Blvd.
2nd Floor Sudbury, Ontario P3A 1X5

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Tuesday 8:30am - 5:00pm
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Thursday 8:30am - 5:00pm
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